Official Bloodlines Reforged Saga Wiki:Where did it come from? Wednesday! Archive 2022
January[edit source]
- January 5, 2022[1]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Blood & Bone Publishing is named for my gaming dice. They've served me well, for the most part, since 1996, when I first used them to roll up Roland as a character. The high die is red, the low is white, and I dubbed them Blood and Bone, respectfully, and they've been known by those monikers ever since. They are also the source for Roland's family's house colors and the house colors for House De'Char of Moras.
- January 12, 2022[2]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! As some of you know, my tales are based on homebrew RPG adventures I've played over the last 30+ years. There's a profession (aka character class) in Rolemaster called the 'Night Blade' which is crazy OP. Thus, we arrived (largely in part to my good friend Simon) at a set of in-game policies for those types of player characters to limit them somewhat. In the world of Stratvs, Shadow Blades live (and die) by the Conduct of Shadow, a modified version of our house rules for those character classes. You can find the Conduct of Shadow on our website here;
- January 19, 2022[3]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The Silver Helms are basically mercenaries with a very complex social and political standing in Stratvs. The idea for them stemmed from the character class of the Black Cape in Iron Crown's Rolemaster Arm's Companion (pen&paper RPG). The Silver Helms have a long-standing tradition of maintaining an excellent reputation for loyalty to their employers, AND to the laws of the land, and thus the King and Lords of Lethanor. Basically, if you want to hire Seal Team Six to rescue your kidnapped daughter, you hire these guys. If you want to hire the best of the best to rob a merchant, you'd do well to avoid the Silver Helms at all costs and hope that the merchant doesn't hire them to hunt down whoever robbed him. Also, in the event a Silver Helm is ever accused of a crime or of cowardice, he is hunted down and judged by other Silver Helms. They police their own, decisively.
- January 26, 2022[4]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! I got the idea for the Craven Jackals, the monster-esque pack animals that inhabit the wilds of Stratvs, a while back when I ran across a picture of a melanistic fox. Beautiful creatures, unlike their fantasy counterpart.
January Gallery[edit source]
February[edit source]
- February 2, 2022[5]
Where Did It Come From? Wednesday! Jonas (multiple a.k.a.'s including Steward Ruble and Pirate Captain Noon) is uncle to Roland and older brother to Velryk. He is based on a character from Louis L'Amour's western novel 'A Man Called Noon.' The idea of him began growing in my head when I first read that novel around 1986. I've always pictured Javier Bardem (because of his look here and because of his talent for appearing menacing) when thinking about Jonas.
- February 9, 2022[6]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! My Roland is basically a composite of the hero from the epic French poem (chanson de geste) The Song of Roland, Stephen King's character, the Gunslinger, from his Dark Tower Series, and aspects of my own personality (hence Roland's impatience among other short-comings). The French Roland is sarcastic, irreverent, and a true old-school hero. King's Gunslinger is an incredible combination of a romantic knight, cynical killer, champion of the weak, and monstrous villain. My Roland began life in 1996 as a character I played in the pen&paper RPG game Rolemaster. I named him for the characters from the books mentioned above, but, as anyone who's played RPG's for very long can confirm, huge chunks of my personality leaked through over the years. Thus, Roland, son of Lord Velryk, was born.
- February 16, 2022[7]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Bolvii, labeled by many as the deity of War in Stratvs, was inspired by Vladimir Kulich's portrayal of Buliwyf in The 13th Warrior (which was based on Michael Crichton's 1976 book, Eaters of the Dead). I could write pages about Bolvii, but I will try to keep this short. Among the deities, Bolvii has always been the protector and the peacemaker. It was his compassion as a protector that saved a remnant of the Great Man race from utter destruction by the other gods during the Battles of Rending.
- February 23, 2022[8]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The scothen, carnivorous creatures inhabiting the wilds of Stratvs, came to mind the first time I saw a picture of a hairless ape. It scared the hell out of me, and I thought, 'man, it would be a bad day if something like that had a taste for human flesh' (cause those are the kinda thoughts you have when you're a writer).
February Gallery[edit source]
March[edit source]
- March 2, 2022[9]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! When envisioning the character of Lord Ivant (formerly King Ivant) my mind kept drifting to Sir William Scott's Ivanhoe. I've always loved the romance and chivalry of Ivanhoe.
- March 9, 2022[10]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Lady Evalynne, the ruler of Moras and surrounding lands of dubious origin, is a strong-willed and deadly warrior. I had a rough image of her in my head for years until I saw Wonder Woman (2017). Robin Wright's character, Antiope, crystalized my vision of the self-made noble of Stratvs.
- March 16, 2022[11]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The idea of the skin-shifters, introduced in Bloom of Blood & Bone, came from a number of different sources. Most fantasy worlds have their lycanthropes, and skin-walkers (originating from the Navajo legends). Of course, there are druids that have the ability to shift into animal form. For me personally, the first influences in this vein were the Wonder Twins from the Justice League (gotta love those old-school Saturday morning cartoons), and a T.V. series from the early 80's, Manimal. I remember being struck by the idea that they could change into a variety of creatures and how handy/cool that would be. Thus, the skin-shifters were born.
- March 23, 2022[12]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Eldryn, of the Heirs of Vanity Series, is based on a character played by a good friend of mine. This friend is a big fan of all things football and felt it necessary to remind each of us at every gaming session that 'Eldryn' was the same height and weight as Chad Hennings of NFL fame. This quirk of his was the reason I deemed it appropriate to make sure Eldryn's height and weight were accurate in the saga.
- March 30, 2022[13]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Roland, the main character of the Heirs of Vanity series, is 7 feet 5 inches tall, making him 11 inches taller than his companion, Eldryn. His remarkable height owes to the luck of the dice. As some of you know, Roland is based on my character from a pen&paper RPG game (Rolemaster). In creating characters for the game, a player rolls dice on a 'Height & Weight' chart to determine their size. When rolling up Roland I made a 'double open-ended' dice roll. The dice we use are percentile (ranging from 1 to 100). However, if you roll a 96 or higher, you roll again and add the rolls together (termed an open-ended roll). If your next roll is also a 96 or higher, you roll again and add that number, etc... My math may be off, but the percentage chance of rolling a 'double open-ended' roll is approximately .16% ( 1 in 625).
March Gallery[edit source]
April[edit source]
- April 6, 2022[14]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! As some of you know, many of the characters in the Bloodlines Reforged Saga are based on characters played in our pen&paper RPG sessions. Rogash, Jandanero, and Dru were played by my son, daughter, and wife respectively, in a homebrew 'evil' campaign I GM'd years ago. If you haven't tried running or playing in a campaign for evil characters, you owe it to yourself to give it a go.
- April 20, 2022[15]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! I have been asked, 'why would Eldryn just keep opening doors in the drow caverns when he's continually tripping boobytraps?' As many of you know, most of my characters were played by real people in a pen&paper RPG game. My buddy who played Eldryn actually did that during gaming. He actually said, 'they can't all be boobytrapped.' The story of him getting hit so many times in a row with traps has become one of those retold, or at the very least referenced, just about every time we get together for a game. Thus, I had to include it in Roland's Path just as it 'really' happened.
April Gallery[edit source]
May[edit source]
- May 4, 2022[16]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Some have been confused by the alternating points of view between Silas and Dunewell during their conversations in Fires that Forge. WARNING! Spoilers ahead!!!! I based part of Silas's personality on the character of Hannibal Lechter. I really enjoyed Mads Mikkelsen's portrayal of the character in the television series. Also, I know a little bit about interview and interrogation techniques. So, I wanted to demonstrate, specifically, how Dune could have missed the warning signs present. I also wanted to demonstrate how crafty Silas could be in tailoring his responses to avoid suspicion. Furthermore, I have always loved stories that cause the reader to go back and re-read previous chapters and go, "holy cow! It was right there in front of me all along!"
- May 11, 2022[17]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Lady Dru's 'Dance' in the Lords of Order & Chaos Series is my vehicle to bring martial arts into the fantasy world of Stratvs. The 'Dance' is a cultural fighting style and means of meditation of the Ussa people. I envision it as a combination of Kung Fu and Tai Chi. The 'Dance' is also designed in such a way that the practitioner can incorporate various weapons in the fighting style. This is the primary reason Engiyadu, of the Heirs of Vanity Series, is so deadly in combat.
May Gallery[edit source]
June[edit source]
- June 8, 2022[18]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! I recently had the honor of meeting with a bookclub via Zoom and I was asked, as I often am, why I wrote Fires that Forge as a murder mystery. The short answer, it's an origin story and there was no other way to write it. As some of you know, a large part of the Bloodlines Reforged Saga 'really happened' in an RPG campaign that's been ongoing since 1996. The two main characters in Fires are Dunewell & Silas. Both characters started out with a 'character background' that required a more elaborate explanation than any other characters in the saga. Thus, I had to document their 'becoming' in their first book. I couldn't find any better way to tell that story other than in the setting of a murder mystery.
June Gallery[edit source]
July[edit source]
- July 20, 2022[19]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! I've always envisioned the rider's pike as a beefed up stiletto, but didn't really have a good visual reference until I saw the Angel Blades from the TV series, Supernatural. The reason it's called a "rider's pike" is it was originally designed for and used by cavalry when engaging in close combat with a foe wearing plate armor, the idea being the blade would have a sharp and strong enough point to puncture the plate or easily slip between the plates and puncture the chainmail beneath.
July Gallery[edit source]
August[edit source]
- August 17, 2022[20]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Very few in Stratvs have ever seen kolvic, and fewer still know what it actually is. Kolvic, the substance King Lucas's axe is made from, is a crystal like substance that can only be found in the mountains of Janis. Legend has it an ice drake and a fire drake fell in love and, in violation of the edicts of the gods, consummated that love. They were surrounded and struck down by the gods, their bodies forming the foundations of Janis's mountain range. Kolvic is a magical ice that 'grows' on the bones of that ice drake. I got the idea from reading about ice volcanoes.
- August 24, 2022[21]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Lynneare (aka Warlock of the Marshes, First of the Cursed, the Original Betrayer, father-in-law) has his origin in our long running RPG campaign that began in 1996. His name in the campaign (keep in mind this was about 20 years before anyone had heard the name John Wick) was Baba Yaga. Lynneare was originally a Great Man and Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Father Time in King Ivant's Kingdom of Rexyaud (named for the first dragon gifted to men by Father Time to advise and guide them). When Lynneare betrayed King Ivant, he was banished by Ivant and cursed by the gods becoming the first vampire of Stratvs. The only way his curse can be lifted is for his blood to be shed in love and sacrifice for Ivant's blood.
August Gallery[edit source]
September[edit source]
- September 7, 2022[22]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The once expansive city of Xiv, built in dedication to the 14 deities of Stratvs, suffered during the Battles of Rending, but not nearly so much as other great cities did. The gods preserved portions of the metropolis and hid them away from the eyes of men. For those of you sharp enough to catch the fact there were 14 deities worshiped in Xiv, yes, even Muersorem the UnMaker was worshiped there for a time, when his cause was just. Before the days of his temptation.
- September 21, 2022[23]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Fires that Forge (Book I in the Lords of Order & Chaos series) was difficult for me to write because it had to represent the origin story of both Silas & Dunewell. The thing is, in-game, their origin stories were 'backgrounds' for the player characters (in our pen&paper RPG) and I played both characters at separate times. Thus, I had to merge two stories so that they intertwined, and so they came to fruition simultaneously. It was also my first attempt at a 'murder mystery.'
- September 28, 2022[24]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The magic system in the Bloodlines Reforged Saga is based in broad strokes on the system used in the pen&paper RPG game, Rolemaster by Iron Crown Enterprises. Some believe there are three realms of magic; mentalism (utilizing the power of the mind), essence (harnessing the forces that surround and penetrate all things), and channeling (power granted by a deity through prayer). Those thoroughly schooled on the matter believe there are four realms, the three listed above and arcane magic (existing of various combinations of mentalism, essence, and channeling). Very few know that all are simply different sides (or perhaps different expressions) of the same power.
September Gallery[edit source]
October[edit source]
- October 5, 2022[25]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! Maloch, the drow paladin of Time, has many titles, all of them earned the hard way. At one time he was an elf and the Master Paladin of Time, serving directly under the Supreme Pontiff, Lynneare. When he betrayed Lord Ivant during the Battles of Rending, he was cursed to live the remainder of his days as a drow, this first of that race. In the centuries that follows he was known as Maloch of the Black Lance, Knight of Shadows, and Knight of Sorrows. All the elves cursed to become drow during the Battles of Rending were so cursed by the gods because of their own actions, but, as many do, chose to blame Maloch for the curse rather than accept the consequences of their own actions. Having initially all come together under his rule, this misplaced hatred festered until it erupted into a full civil war among the drow, during which Jandantuul, father to later Queen Jandanero, was slain. This war divided the drow into many factions. The new factions, or covens, universally decided to become matriarchal in nature because the person that led them all astray, Maloch, was a male.
*Artwork by Steve Sketches
- October 12, 2022[26]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The sectot tree is sacred to the elves of Stratvs. Everybody knows that. But, very few know why. The elves of Stratvs are 'immortal.' However, when they grow tired of life in their elven form, they lie down in a carefully chosen place in the Suthiel forest. They commune with the forest and the earth of Stratvs accepts them in. During the ritual, they become a sectot tree capable of communicating with their remaining ancestors in the forest. Thus, the gift of sectot wood or anything fashioned from it, is the highest honor the elves can bestow. Drow cannot become one with the Suthiel and other sectots, which is why the curse is so devastating to some.
- October 19, 2022[27]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The Sword Bearers are a centuries-old secret society led by Chief Adjudicator Cavelyern (my vision of him pictured below). Their mission is to uphold their oaths regardless of King's law or the edicts of the Churches. Each man and woman that joins the Sword Bearers does so knowing, if they are discovered, they will be executed as traitors. Their founding principal: No one is above the law and no one beneath it. When position, rank, or title frustrate justice, the Sword Bearers step in. They are headquartered in Degra, the most infamous city in Stratvs.
- October 26, 2022[28]
Where did it come from? Wednesday! The idea of the Templis Guradas (the champions sent by clerics to help and watch over their templars in the field) came from a conversation at the gaming table during one of our RPG sessions. I made the offhanded remark that I didn't have a guardian angel, like some folks, but a guardian demon instead. That remark sparked the idea of a demon in the campaign that was sent by one of the bad guys to look out for one of the good guys because the good guy was going after an enemy of the bad guy. Of course, the good guy couldn't know there was a demon around watching out for him, so it took some engineering.
October Gallery[edit source]
November[edit source]
November 2, 2022[29] Where did it come from? Wednesday! The symbols of the Slandik language are based on the runes of the Norse language. However, the Slandik tend to layer their symbols on top of one another, which can make the written word very difficult for a novice (or outlander) to understand. For example, "/" is the symbol for "east" and "\" is the symbol for "west." But, when you overlap them, "X", it can mean "east and west" or it might mean "'divided," as in east in one direction and west in the opposite. Thus, context and knowledge of cultural slang is a must.
November 9, 2022[30] Where did it come from? Wednesday! I've been intrigued by the raven from the first time I read Poe's 'The Raven.' The more I've learned about these amazing creatures, the more I've come to admire them. Ranked among the smartest birds in the world, the raven can speak, solve puzzles, and has been observed to play games with other ravens. I've always thought the raven should have been the choice for the U.S. national bird. Thus, I wanted to include my own twist on the species for the world of Stratvs by making them red. In the Bloodlines Reforged Saga they are a symbol of wisdom and strength, and are a major aspect of Roland's family crest, the Red Raven perched on a White Rose. It's also the trademark of Blood & Bone Publishing. Check out some of the YouTube links below and you'll see what I'm talking about.
November 9, 2022[31] Okay, to satisfy the greed of our Archivist Supreme, Korra, here's your second 'Where did it come from? Wednesday!' post. The city of Gilead is referenced in the Bible as a place to purchase healing herbs and balms. It is referenced in Poe's poem, 'The Raven,' as well. It is also the capital city and last refuge of civilization in Stephen King's Dark Tower Series (home town to his character, Roland). Thus, Gallhallad, the easternmost city of Stratvs and lord's city of the region Roland and Eldryn call home.
November 16, 2022[32] Where did it come from? Wednesday! In Stalking Shadows (Book IV of the Lords of Order & Chaos series), I faced the challenge of describing the physical and mental sensations and anguish of slowly becoming a vampire. There are basically three steps to becoming a vampire. 1) being bitting by a vamp, 2) drinking the blood of a higher level vampire, AND 3) you gotta die. So, if you've only satisfied the first two parts of that process, I'm thinking the experience would be maddening. While I was trying to describe the process, I had a terrible case of poison ivy. It was difficult to focus, function, or think because the "itch" was so pervasive. Although, the severity of fluctuated from time to time. Thus, the description of the process was inspired by a rash.
November 23, 2022[33] Where did it come from? Wednesday! The Silver Helms are housed and trained in various garrisons located in major cities throughout Lethanor. Each of those garrisons has its own unique sigil. Although not required, many of the graduates will get a tattoo of that sigil upon the completion of their training. Silver Helm Garrison Designations: (Names of characters trained there) Ostbier – Lion’s Mane Moras – Shark’s Fin (Dunewell) Modins – Bear’s Paw (Petie) Gallhallad – Raven’s Claw (Jonas, Velryk, Kynneare, Ellidik, Engiyadu) Stamdon – Bull’s Head (Larkhill) Split Town – Eagle’s Eye
November 23, 2022[34] Where did it come from? Wednesday Double-Feature! The 'Justice System' in Lethanor is a bit skewed. A trial requires five judges who vote on guilt or innocence. The five judges are the Chief Magistrate or his designee, the local lord or noble or his designee, a local military commander, a representative of the accuser, and a representative of the accused. For a common citizen of the kingdom to be convicted, only two out of five votes must be for guilt. If a knight or notable warrior is the accused, three votes of the five are required for a conviction. If a noble or other person of high standing is the accused, a unanimous vote of guilt is required for a conviction.
November Gallery[edit source]
December[edit source]
December 7, 2022[35] Where did it come from? Wednesday! I've been fascinated by the nephilim since first reading about them in the Bible. "Genesis 6:1–4 — King James Version (KJV 1900) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." I found the idea of offspring resulting from the union of angels and humans incredible! It also frustrated me that so little was written about them in the Bible when they seemed so, I don't, super-cool! Thus, I did some digging and discovered the Books of Enoch. For those of you who don't know, Goliath (you know, the guy that got hit in the head with a rock) was said to have been a descendant of the nephilim.
December 14, 2022[36] "Where did it come from? Wednesday!" The centaurs of Stratvs are among the very few races that thrived as a result of the Battles of Rending. A nomadic and war-like group, they had suffered from the prosperity Ivant's Kingdom had enjoyed to the point there were less than one hundred left alive. However, in the centuries since the BoR, they have multiplied un-checked and freely roam the vast plains situated between the forests of Solwar to the west and the River Whynne to the east. They are exceptional archers, possessing bows that require incredible strength to draw. Tribal and nomadic, they rarely encounter the other races of Stratvs, preferring the wild and remote reaches of Lethanor's interior.
December Gallery[edit source]
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