Meta:Notable and Quotable
Notable and Quotable is the newsletter of R.J. Hanson for the Bloodlines Reforged Saga. The newsletter often contains excerpts from the books, news about upcoming books and cover reveals, giveaways among other various information. The newsletter is emailed out anywhere from once a week to once a month and anywhere in between.
Past Newsletters[edit | edit source]
For a full list of Notable and Quotable's in release order, see: Notable And Quotable Archive.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Readers who signed up to the official newsletter will revive an email containing links to download the first chapters of Roland's Path, and Fires That Forge, as well we a digital map of Stratvs. After that introductory email, subscribers will receive three additional short stories; Depths of Nolcavanor, Death of a City, Birth of a Curse and, Morosse, the Spike Thumb.
Death of a City, Birth of a Curse is available as an Amazon Kindle short story with an MSRP of 99 cents (USD) or free with Kindle Unlimited. The other two short stories remain newsletter exclusives.