Centaurs are half-human/half-horse nomadic tribes that roam the grassy plains east of Solwar and south of the mountain range inhabited by the Stonebeard Clan. The origin of their species has been theorized by many, but few know of their true genesis. They are known for their remarkable strength and the deadly recurve bows they carry into battle.
Centaurs: Ethylwayne – Race of horses spawned from Silvor’s hunting horse, Ether, known for their powers of flight and an intellect that rivals the most intelligent of humans. Some of the most faithful paladins and templars are sometimes sent an Ethylwayne as a gift and/or aid from their deity. (i.e. Lady Bellyska’s mount, Cassimyre, in Bloom of Blood & Bone, the second book in the Lords of Order & Chaos series. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086M9PH7F Ether, Silvor’s mount, stud horse. Ether mated with war-horse mares which spawned the race of horses known as the Ethylwayne. Ether’s first-born stud horse, Valanche, could take on many different forms and mated with other types of animals and races of men. The majority of the resulting offspring died at birth. The survivors of the mating with humans became their own race, or species if you prefer, known as centaurs. The death of so many of his children festered a madness in Valanche, eventually driving him into the arms of a fallen champion. The cursed offspring of their coupling were vicious demon horses known as Nightmares, Split Hoof Striders, or Cayrnyth. Centaurs are remarkable archers. Their bows are the envy of many a warrior, although only the strongest of men could draw one. The dense, well-developed core muscles (lower back and abdomen), required to keep the humanoid portion of their bodies erect, contributes a significant amount of force available for the drawing of a bow. Prior to the Battles of Rending, centaurs lived in their own cities and lands, although some did live among men. A few even established partnerships with some warriors, serving as their mounts to create a devastating duo on the battlefield. In the aftermath of the Battles of Rending and the Shoredrifts, the centaurs found themselves rejected by the societies of men. Thus they became nomadic, roaming the wild and unsettled plains of Lethanor, loosely organized in tribal communities. Contrary to some rumors and suspicions, they are omnivores, but do not eat people.[1]