
From Official Bloodlines Reforged Saga Wiki
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Centaurs are half-human/half-horse nomadic tribes that roam the grassy plains east of Solwar and south of the mountain range inhabited by the Stonebeard Clan. The origin of their species has been theorized by many, but few know of their true genesis. They are known for their remarkable strength and the deadly recurve bows they carry into battle.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Lore of Stratvs
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Culture and History
Language Thieves Cant
Lineages Lineage of Assassins • Lineage of Lethanor • Lineage of Lord Ivant • Lineage of Ozur
Timelines Timeline of Stratvs
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Fauna • Flora • Locations • Materials • Names • People • Races
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Guilds and Organizations
Lord of Chaos • Lord of Order • Shadow Blades • Silver Helms
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Disputed Isles
Cities and Towns Ashoguro
Cities and Towns JunTeg • Thorvol Capital City
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Kellfeld Lake • Shrov Bay
Kingdom of Lethanor Info symbol.png
Cities and Towns Bolthor • Dalloth • Gallhallad • Glenntheen • Ivantis • Janis Port • Modins • Moras • Ostbier • Split Town
Homes and Buildings Blackstone Hall • Blood Hair • Broken Plow • Con’s Garden • Flagon Foam • Fordir • Lower Market Street • Lupern’s Inn • Marble Flagon • Noble’s Rest • Pauper’s Garden • Sanctum Lacra • Sani’s Pot and Table • Silver Helm Academy • Solwar • Stamdon • Swan a’Flight • Whaler’s Rest
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Olithyn
Other Nolcavanor • Stonebeard Clan • Suthiel • Vessen • Whynne
Cities and Towns Vanthor • Skult Capital City
Homes and Buildings
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Pennes
Other The Marshes
Cities and Towns Broken Time • Dead Horse • Fate's End • Wodock
Homes and Buildings Bloody George’s • Horse Eater’s Walk • Mariner’s Fair • Raven’s Nest
Bays, Lakes and Rivers
Other Champion’s Rest
Blue Tower • Degra • Elgellund • Greif's Pass • Lavon
Blood Sea • Kolvic Sea • Sea of Asunder • Sea of Coins
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Major Characters
Female Lady Dru • Lady Evalynne • Mandurelle
Male Dunewell • Eldryn • Isd'Kislota • Jonas • Lord Slythorne • Lynneare • Maloch • Morosse, the Spike Thumb • Sir Roland • Silas
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Centaurs • Kellmarshee • Slandik • People of Tarborat • Ussa • Zepute
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Bellik • Centaur • Common Man • Elf • Ethywayne • Demon • Dragon • Dwarf • Drow • Great Man • Mixed Man • Ogre • Rogesh • Vampire

References[edit | edit source]